Potential Instructor Information Form
Please complete this form if you are interested in becoming an instructor for Ascendly's after-school enrichment classes.  The questions should give you an idea of the types of things that are important to us.
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Correo *
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
Phone *
Please describe any relevant experience that would help you in this position.
How would I know that kids enjoy your class?
We generally work with class sizes of up to 16 students.  Please describe your experience working with children including group size. *
Please provide any additional information about yourself that would make us want to work with you. *
What are your goals for this job?
We typically run three 8-week sessions during the school year (Fall, Winter, and Spring), with occasional opportunities for summer camp work.  Classes run in the 3 pm - 5 pm timeframe, though we have a few classes that start at 2:45 pm and others that run until 5:15 pm. What is your availability/How many days a week are you looking to teach? (We do offer a higher wage to those who teach multiple classes a week.)
We work in  Arlington County, Alexandria City, Fairfax County, Falls Church, Loudon County, and Prince William County in Virginia, as well as Montgomery County in Maryland, Washington D.C. and York County, Pennsylvania. In which locations are you interested in working?
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