Just Books Tracking Tool: Helping Children See Themselves & Others Through Diverse Literature CROWDSOURCING SUBMISSIONS  
Thank you for contributing to the Justice Leaders Collaborative catalogue of just books! If you have a great book for children or young adults that you'd like us to consider adding to our recommended list(s) please complete the form. We are specifically looking for books that feature people of color, people with disabilities, people from working class or impoverished backgrounds, people who are LGBTQIA+, women and girls, people who have a diversity of body types, and other underrepresented groups as well as messages of tolerance, inclusion, equity, diversity, and activism related to social justice, economic justice, and climate justice. Extra points for books that make kids laugh!

*Note: Review of books happens quarterly. Books may or may not be added to the public Justice Leaders Collaborative list after review by our staff. Feel free to submit as many books as you'd like.*  
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