Attention: Critical Care Nurses Who Feel Overwhelmed, Overworked & On The Verge Of Collapse 

You are cordially invited to: Emotional Wholeness LIVE!

How to Overcome Overwhelm as a Critical Care Nurse Without Losing It, Calling In Sick or Being “Asked” By Your Charge or Manager To Take A Mental Health Break…

3 Secret Keys To Emotional Wholeness As A Critical Care Nurse

Hi! My name is Lisa Marie Swanson. I am an Emotional Wholeness Consultant for Registered Nurses, as well as an over 30 year health care worker with 13+ years as a Critical Care Registered Nurse. I know what it’s like to be in a place of overwhelm. I understand. That’s why as an Emotional Wholeness Consultant I have created a Special Feel Good Live Virtual Event Designed Specifically For YOU As A Critical Care Nurse. 

Have you ever experienced the overwhelm of “all the things” when you are at work?

Over the course of my decades of experience, there are three very important things I have learned, especially when that overwhelm wanted to take over and then follow me home!

First, don’t take things personally.

Second, being aware of, and in control of, my emotions is a powerful choice I have.

Third, when my shift ends, I don’t have to take the heaviness of the load home with me. My peers who are on the next shift, will pick up where I left off!

These seem like easy things to learn, intuitive even, right? As professional nurses, we have learned much harder things, yet, I see so many of us give our souls, our emotional health “to” the difficult demands of the job. 

We can push ourselves beyond capacity and end up overwhelmed, overworked, and literally on the verge of collapse. 

But then what?

How many Nurses do you know that have left their jobs due to burnout or emotional strain? 

What about those who are handling it at work, but it is falling apart at home?

What about this, have you ever, like I have, cried my way home… feeling like it was all just too much?


THERE IS A WAY OUT where we can keep ourselves and our jobs healthy!

Again, my name is Lisa Marie Swanson, Registered Nurse and EIQ-2 Practitioner. I am an Emotional Wholeness Consultant trained in Critical Thinking and Emotional Intelligence Health and Wholeness Coaching. I bring practical solutions to Critical Care Nurses worldwide in my simple, easy to engage, and fun program called:

How to Overcome Overwhelm as a Critical Care Nurse Without Losing It, Calling In Sick or Being “Asked” By Your Charge or Manager To Take A Mental Health Break…

3 Secret Keys To Emotional Wholeness As A Critical Care Nurse

This easy to engage, designed specifically for you as a Nurse, life-giving program has a seat with your name on it.

Our profession needs you. Your future patients need you.

Can you imagine a life filled with emotional wholeness? Can you imagine loving your job again and being energized and not drained by it?

YES! It IS possible!

We have an application for you to fill out below, so my team and I can learn a little bit about you before we spend time together unlocking The 3 Secret Keys To Emotional Wholeness As A Critical Care Nurse.

During this 2 day Special Feel Good Live Virtual Event Designed Specifically For YOU As A Critical Care Nurse, I will walk with you and UNLOCK the secret keys to the SKILLS & BELIEFS required so you can powerfully and quickly, with a smile, overcome overwhelm and apply emotional wholeness and peace to your life.

I know you love being a Nurse, and that sometimes that love for our profession can feel like it’s no longer alive - it can feel more like resentment, bitterness, or even deep anger.

We have created this application for you, the Critical Care Nurse who is READY to be happy again, who is READY to take control back, who is READY to make powerful changes to RESTORE peace back into your life and career.

Taking care of ourselves first is a must before we can take care of others. Take the first step to true emotional wholeness and kick overwhelm to the curb. You are powerful and it’s time you take that power back.

Apply below with no obligation.

Remember, we have a seat with YOUR name on it!


Lisa Marie Swanson, RN, EIQ-2 Practitioner

Emotional Wholeness Consultant for Registered Nurses

Founder, Emotional Wholeness LIVE

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Let's get to know more about you!
Please answer the following so we can determine if we are a good fit for one another.
How do you rate on the scale of 1-10 in Emotional Wholeness?  
Losing it on a daily basis.
I'm doing great!
What is your greatest concern personally and/or professionally as a Critical Care ICU RN? 
In what area(s) of your life do you feel would add the most value if you were to go through this powerful program? (choose all that apply)
What is the biggest obstacle preventing you from Overcoming Overwhelming Stress at work or in life in general?
What specific changes would you like to see in yourself personally and/or professionally? *
What does loving your career and walking in your passion and purpose look like to you? *
Are you READY to move forward with a Strategy Call/ or Zoom to see where you are in this present moment? 
Thank you for your time in filling out this application. I will get back to you as soon as possible to see if this program is a fit for you in this season of your life! 
Blessings! Lisa 
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