Connect with us so we can match you up with the free resources that best fit your needs.
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Correo electrónico *
What is your Name?
What is your Facebook URL?
(To grab your url, log into Facebook, then click on your name in the upper right part of the screen. Copy the Facebook Profile URL in the address bar of your browser & paste it in the space below.)
Are you currently working with a Goal Digger Team Member?  If so, please provide her name: *
Where are you currently in your business? Where do you want to be in 12 months?
What is your biggest challenge in your business? What have you tried or are trying right now to overcome that challenge? 
Which of the following best describes your situation?

On a scale of 1-5, please rate how much help you need with the following categories:
Personal Branding
I've got it down
I need help!
Prospecting/Audience Building
I've got it down
I need help!
Creating a value-based Facebook Group & filling it up
I've got it down
I need help!
Creating multiple streams of income
I've got it down
I need help!
Mindset/Money Mindset
I've got it down
I need help!

What is the gap between your current monthly income  & your desired monthly income goal?


Is there anything else you’d like us to know before the call?

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