Virtual Training Registration
Live Classes via Google Meet every Friday @ 6pm.
Access to workouts via Google Classroom that can be done anytime with coaches' support.
Login ke Google untuk menyimpan progres. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Email *
Email address you want to use to sign up with Google Classroom (cannot be your school account).
What session will you be attending? Click all that apply *
Wajib diisi
Parent/Guardian Name
Address *
Phone Number *
Player Name
Age & Grade
Batalkan pilihan
Volleyball Experience
Batalkan pilihan
Payment Info.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Cost is $65 for each 5-week session.  I understand that registration is not complete until payment is received. Because of the nature of this training and immediate access to the online classroom refunds will not be permitted.  Refunds will not be issued for missing a live online training. *
Wajib diisi
I understand severe injury can occur and I will not hold Taneisha Tilque, Legacy Sports Academy (LSA) coaches, or volunteers liable in the event of an emergency or injury.   *
Video/Photo/Media Release-During training, students may be highlighted in efforts to promote LSA activities and achievements.  For example, athletes may be featured in material to train coaches, and/or increase public awareness of LSA through newspapers, radio, TV, the web (social media, website, etc.), videos, and brochures.  Athletes may also be recorded during live training sessions for promotion activities and for coaches to provide training and tips to players.  
Batalkan pilihan
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