Online course evaluation quizz - Routine for Healthy Life project
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1 point
Regular physical activity for a healthy life

Please correspond the physical exercise and intensity.

5 points
Brisk walking, jogging, light swimming, stair climbing
Slow walking, shuffling around the house
Fast running, fast cycling, sprinting
Sitting, lying
Standing still
Sedentary Behavior
Light Physical Activity
Moderate Physical Activity
Vigorous Physical Activity

Which of the following is a mental/emotional benefit of physical activity?

1 point

How does physical activity benefit the cardiovascular and respiratory systems?

1 point

How much exercise do experts recommend for adults?

1 point
Healthy nutrition

Which of these foods are sources of Omega-3 fatty acids?

1 point

According to the Mediterranean Diet, how many portions of legumes should we consume in a week?

1 point

What is the percentage of water in an adult's body?

1 point

How many kcal/gram does protein provide?

1 point

To have a balanced diet, what percentage of the food eaten in a day should be made up of carbohydrates?

1 point
Psychological well-being, problem solving ability and proactivity

To maintain a healthy life we must only take care of our physique. 

1 point

For a high and healthy self-esteem it is important to work on self-concept, self-affect and self-efficacy. 

1 point

The term emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognise our own feelings, the feelings of others, to motivate ourselves and to manage our relationships with others and with ourselves appropriately.

1 point

The basic emotions are:

(choose the correct option)
1 point

The assertive response generates that one of the parties to the conflict feels in a position of winning or superiority. 

1 point

Proactivity involves:

1 point
Digital tools for communication, job search and lifelong learning

How can we define lifelong learning?

1 point

An individual positive approach to lifelong learning increases civic responsibility and supports the social cohesion of society.

1 point

Personality barriers (so-called internal) can be defined as:

1 point

EUROPASS is The European Job Mobility Portal

1 point


1 point
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The Data will be collected by Travelogue APS. The Legal Responsible is Silvia Bonomi. The interested party can contact the organisation to assert his/her rights at the e-mail address or at (+39) 0758749895.

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Methods of processing - The data will be collected through the online application Google Form. The data may be processed in paper and electronic form, with access permitted only to authorized operators. All operators who access computerized data have a personal password; access to data is allowed only for the purposes related to the role of the operator and only for the strictly necessary time.
Data retention time - The personal data you provide will be kept for the time strictly necessary to record and catalog the results and at the end of this period (maximum 2 years) they will be automatically deleted from our paper and electronic archives or made anonymous.
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0 points
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