Val-O-Gram Order Form 2021 注文フォーム
Last year students and parents enjoyed sending Val-O-Grams and receiving them too!

Typically, Valentine’s Day cards are given to sweet hearts or secret crushes, however, in HIS we want the Val-O-Grams to be received for all sorts of reasons, for example to say, ‘Thank you for your friendship’ or ‘I’m thinking of you’ or ‘I appreciate you’.  So, you can buy Val-O-Grams for your own children, and they can buy them for you, their friends, grandparents or teachers.

Val-O-Grams will be delivered to students, teachers or to your children during school hours on Friday February 12th in time for Valentines Day. We would appreciate having your orders as soon as possible, preferably before Friday January 29th. Of course students can also buy Val-O-Grams to take home to grandparents or non HIS friends .

You may order for specific individuals, or use our convenient group ordering for whole class or staff orders.
1) This year orders can only be made using this online form.
2) Please be aware that the same person may be a member of more than one group, and if you use group ordering, or order one for them individually as well, they will receive more than one Val O Gram from you. If this bothers you, please use the individual ordering option. Thanks for your understanding.
You can see who is in each group here (correct for Feb 12th, as far as we know now!):
3) Class numbers given are accurate for the 12th of February, as known on January 15th, 2021.  
Thank you for your understanding.

All money raised will go to PTA funds and will be used for school and students. We appreciate your kind support. Thank you :)

One flower contains  2 chocolate Hershey’s Kisses for 200 yen.

Please include the exact money along with this completed form in an envelope, marked with your name and "Val O gram" ASAP to the office.
If you have any questions, please contact Kumi Kim at 


今年のバレンタインデー2月14日は日曜日ですので、Val-O-Gramは2月12日の金曜日、学校にて、先生やスタッフ、お子さんやお友達へ贈られます。(ご家族宛ての物は、お子様が持ち帰ります)  Val-O-Gramの必要作成数の把握や作業時間などを考慮し、出来るだけ早くご注文いただきたくご協力願います。尚、この注文書での受注最終締切日は1月29日(金)となります。

* (注)  個人宛ての注文と同じ人が、注文予定のグループ内に重複していたり、同じ人が複数のグループに属している場合、その人はあなた(同じ差出人)から複数のVal-O-Gramを受け取ることになります。それをご了承いただけない場合は、個人宛ての注文フォームをご利用ください。ご理解のほどよろしくお願いいたします。




このフォームをオンライン送信後、お名前と『Val O Gram』と書いた封筒におつりの無いように入れ、できるだけ早くオフィスまで提出してください。

その他ご質問はKumi Kimさん ( ) までお願いします。
This is what your Val O Grams will look like. こんな感じになります。
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