Full Survey
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
E‑mail *
How would you like to be addressed in the response email?
Paypal Transction # and any selected Add-ons *
Is this the first time using The Submission Wizard service? *
What type of writing are you planning on submitting? *
What is the length of the piece/s you're looking to submit (Prose word count | Poetry line count)—if it varies greatly, list word/line counts of the pieces in "other" *
Does it include any strong 'genre' elements?
Zrušit výběr
What is your experience reading and submitting to literary magazines (honesty is key to getting an accurate response, no shame at all in being new!) *
Who are your favorite writers within the genre you're submitting (if you aren't necessarily familiar with too many writers, feel free to list individual poems/stories)? Include at least three. *
If you were to be forced at gunpoint to say which of those authors is nearest in style and content to the piece of writing you're submitting, who would it be? *
What published/famous pieces have you read that you would say are similar to the pieces you're submitting (this is no time for humility)
If you were to think of writing as a spectrum from telegraph news bulletin at 1 (very straightforward/accessible) and post-avant-garde prose poetry at 10 (occluded/intentionally difficult or "academic"), where would you place the writing you're planning on submitting? *
Which of these words describes the tone of the writing you're planning on submitting? *
After reading my piece I want the reader to... *
My piece includes the following (check all that apply) *
I dream (most) of having my writing published in these 1-3 journals: *
Write a short statement that either answers 'why you wrote what you're submitting', or what you try to do with your writing in general.
When it comes to perspective journals this is the most important to me (if it's a tie, or something else please explain in 'other') *
Not the most important, but these things are also important in a journal *
If you have any current submissions, list which journals you have active submissions with
If you have any publications, which are you most proud of?
I like the following passage the most (Poetry) *
I DISLIKE the following passage the most (Poetry) *
I like the following passage the most (Prose) *
I DISLIKE the following passage the most (Prose) *
If you'd like, paste in an excerpt of some of the work that you're looking to submit that you feel is indicative of your submission (up to 100 words)
Is there anything else you think I should know about you or your writing that would help me find the ideal journals for you?
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