If you'd like a copy of my first poetry chapbook, EM(BODY)MENT OF WONDER (Raine Poetry Publishing, 2021), please fill out the form below and then pay $13 (cost of book + shipping) either via Venmo (@tthamkru), via PayPal (@TanyaThamkruphat), or via Zelle (@tanya.thamkruphat@gmail.com). Once you place your order, I'll ship it out as soon as I can. Thanks!
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Each one of us is on a path to somewhere. But where exactly? Life is full of forks in the road, and we were not given a map or an instruction manual when we stole our first breaths of air from the atmosphere. But the heart is salient—a compass pointing not north, but onward.

Em(body)ment of Wonder retraces the path Tanya Sangpun Thamkruphat has traveled. This is what she learned along the way.

Photo: Theresa Sopko Ressa
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