Dual Innocence - ARC Sign up!
The release date of Dual Innocence is fast approaching!

THANK YOU for your support and your interest in this novel. It has been a passion project of mine for years, and I'm so excited to release it into the wild!

As an ARC reader, you'll receive a free Kindle copy of my upcoming novel -- more than a MONTH before the release date. All I ask is that you read it and leave me an honest review on Amazon afterwards. :)

As an indie author, Amazon reviews are EXTREMELY important! The more reviews a book has, the more likely it is that Amazon will promote it to other readers. Even a one-sentence review will make a huge difference to me and this story.

If you think you can handle the task, please leave your information below. I'll send out the ARCs on June 10th -- you'll have a little more than a month to read the book and leave a review.

I'm taking the first 50 applicants, so act fast! ;)

Keep an eye out for an email from me on June 8th with special instructions to receive your ARC.

*** SYNOPSIS: ****

Everyone thinks Bellamy Burke is dead -- and she likes it that way.

Bellamy's new life in Portland is far removed from her childhood in La Conner, Washington. By day, she's an investigative photographer, but her real income comes from buying and selling illegal goods for Portland's criminal elite.

When a murder turns the city's most powerful criminal (and her boss) into an enemy, Bellamy is forced to turn to Chance Erickson, her childhood-crush-turned-military-man, for help.

Chance Erickson spent the last ten years believing Bellamy was dead. When she barrels back into his life, very much alive, he vows to protect her this time.

Chance's company, Erickson Security, takes on the case. They soon discover, however, that Bellamy may not be innocent -- and the traumatic events of ten years ago may not be dead and buried.

To save Bellamy, Chance must unravel the mystery of her disappearance -- and Bellamy must choose between keeping the door closed on the past and trusting Chance with her future.

Thanks everyone!

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