Innovation Show Choir Satisfaction Survey
This anonymous  survey is a required element of our 2020 Arts Grant with the City of Santa Clarita.  Thank you for taking the time to complete it.   We appreciate your support of the Innovation Show Choir.
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I am a(n): *
Regarding the newly updated ISC website, I think: *
Regarding our recent campaign to increase our social media presence, I think: *
Compared to other activities in which your child participates,  would you say that the ISC is:
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How likely are you to recommend  that other families have their children audition for the ISC?
not at all likely
highly likely
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How likely are you to recommend our performances to your friends, family, and community members?
not at all likely
highly likely
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Innovation Show Choir erstellt. Missbrauch melden