Referee Availability 5/18
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Last name  *
Current Grade  *
My availability for Saturday May 18th is...
(please do not make yourself available during the time you have a game- if you are playing)
There may be games/scrimmages over Memorial Day Weekend (Sat 5/25).   My availability if needed is...  *
Rule of the week:  The ball must be on the ground when it is snapped to the quarterback.  *
The answer is true. *
Just a reminder... if a defensive player pulls the jersey before the flag of a ball carrier... the answer is... " a five yard penalty from the spot of the foul- or the end of the run"  whichever is further This call was missed again this weekend.. please be aware of this moving forward *
Each head ref will have a radio this week (I purchased more) so every field will be able to contact me.  Every head ref should also have a red/yellow card as well. If there are any issues please make sure you contact me.  If any coach starts yelling or using profanity towards you- contact me right away. *
I am ok with working preschool (just making sure I get kids who want to work with PK it's ok to say no) *
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