Family Communication/Directory Survey

Hello Chugach Families! In preparation for the 2024-25 school year, we are asking each family to fill out this survey to help us better connect with you next year. We will use the information provided to facilitate Parent Coordinator (PC) and Chugach Educational Corporation (CEC) email communication throughout the year and develop a school-wide family directory to support community connections. If you have any questions or think you can help with this, please email Thank you! 

Please only fill out one survey per family!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more

PC/CEC Communication

Each family group has PCs who assist teachers in organizing classroom volunteer needs and send regular emails about events and information. Additionally, the CEC sends out school-wide emails from time to time. If you opt in to PC/CEC communication, your email will only be used by your family group PCs and the CEC and will not be shared otherwise without your consent.

Family Directory

We are working to develop a family directory for the 2024-25 school year. Your name, phone number, email address, and family group relationship(s) (once published) will only be included with your consent. Please note, you can opt in to PC/CEC communication separately above but will only be included in the directory if you opt in here. 

Adult #1 First and Last Name
Adult #1 Phone Number
Adult #1 Email Address
Adult #2 First and Last Name
Adult #2 Phone Number
Adult #2 Email Address
Student #1 First and Last Name
Student #1 2024-25 Grade
Student #2 First and Last Name
Student #2 2024-25 Grade
Student #3 First and Last Name
Student #3 2024-25 Grade
Student #4 First and Last Name
Student #4 2024-25 Grade

Bonus Question (Be entered to win a Chugach hoodie if you answer!)

What skills or interests can you share with our community? Are you a networking pro, a fanatical organizer, or a computer whiz? Can you write a grant, do you love to make lists, or are you a plant whisperer? Can you paint, build, dance, run, sew, sing? Tell us what you’re passionate about or ways you’d be willing to contribute to our school!

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