Application to join the Board
If you are passionate about reproductive health, rights, and justice, joining the New River Abortion Access Fund core organizing team is a great way to get involved and gain leadership experience. Prior board experience is a plus, but not required.

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New River Abortion Access Fund (NRAAF) is a 501(c)(3) reproductive justice organization headquartered in Blacksburg, Va, and a member of the National Network of Abortion Funds. NRAAF operates a confidential helpline that provides direct financial and practical support for abortion care in Southwest Virginia and Appalachia. We envision a world where every reproductive decision, including abortion, takes place in thriving communities that are safe, peaceful, and affordable. We envision a world where all people have the power and resources to care for and affirm their bodies, identities, and health for themselves and their families—in all areas of their lives without shame or stigma.

NRAAF is an all-volunteer organization with a working board. Each member of the board is responsible for a specific role in the organization's operations. You can expect to spend several hours each week on various projects. This includes self-directed remote work and frequent communication via email and Slack. Board members must attend remote monthly meetings and serve on or lead at least one committee/workgroup.

NRAAF seeks to build a diverse board. We center the voices and leadership of those who are most affected by these issues. Women of color, LGBTQ folks, young people, low-income people, rural Appalachia/SWVA locals, and people who have had abortions or received funding are strongly encouraged to apply. Board members must be willing to work within reproductive justice and anti-oppressive frameworks and actively engage in ongoing learning about these frameworks.
Board Member Responsibilities
- Knowledge of the organization's mission, vision, values, programs, policies, and needs
- Development and oversight of governance and operational policies and procedures
- Ensure values and mission are reflected in operations and programs
- Engage in strategic planning
- Ensure fiduciary responsibilities are met
- Ensure the organization complies with legal requirements
- Approve and monitor the annual budget and financial reports
- Monitor and evaluate abortion funding and practical support programs
- Attend monthly meetings and special events
- Prepare for meetings by reviewing the agenda and supporting documentation
- Follow through on all tasks committed to at meetings
- Respond to regular emails from other board members and volunteers
- Actively serve on at least one committee workgroup
- Actively participate in fundraising through personal contributions and/or by generating support
- Participate in the annual Fund-a-Thon and other events
- Complete intake training and occassional helpline shifts
- Make a meaningful annual financial contribution
- Commit to either a two-year or three-year term, with the option to renew
- Promote the organization within the local community
- Participate in public speaking opportunities and media interviews
- Attend trainings, conferences, networking opportunities, and reproductive/social justice events
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Where are you located? If you live in Southwest Virginia, are you from the area originally? *
Do any of the following apply to you? *
Select all that apply.
Which workgroup interests you? *
Select all that apply. Most of the work will take place within the following teams. Members must actively serve on at least one committee or workgroup.
Which of the following role(s) interest you? *
Select all that apply.
Tell us a bit about yourself, your interest in abortion access, and why you're interested in joining the board. *
Do you have prior nonprofit board experience, or experience working for another reproductive health/rights/justice organization? If so, tell us more about it. *
What skills, areas of expertise, or interest do you bring to the board? *
How do your identities along the lines of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, immigration, ability, religion, etc., shape your work for racial, economic, and reproductive justice? What lived experience and values do you have that would make you an asset to the group? *
We are committed to a reproductive justice framework in our work. What does reproductive justice mean to you? *
An expectation of all board members is that they fundraise for NRAAF. What is your experience with fundraising? How comfortable are you with soliciting donations and discussing abortion with your friends or family? What areas would you want support and what areas could you provide support? *
Board members stay connected through monthly meeting attendance, committee work, events, and frequent communication via email and Slack. Do you have the time and resources to be an active member of the board? *
We would love to hear about your work, skills and approach from someone who can speak to them. Please give us a name, phone number and email address for someone we can use as a reference. *
Please share links to your social media accounts to confirm your identity. *
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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