Ardú Academy
Registration Form
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Name of Pupil (Firstname & Surname)
Address of Pupil *
Year of Birth
Parent / Legal Guardian Name & Mobile Number *
Alternative Contact Name & Mobile Number (In case of Emergency) *
Email Address *
What Class/Area are you interested in joining or currently attend? *
I consent to the above Registration and agree that I and my dancer will abide by the class rules of Ardú Academy of Irish Dance. *
I understand the personal data on this form will be used by Ardú Academy of Irish Dance for the contractual purpose of registering (or re-registering) and maintaining the Applicant’s Membership. *
I understand that the Personal Data will be retained by Ardú Academy of Irish Dance for such period as the Applicant’s Membership exists. *
I understand that I can resign the Applicant’s Membership by writing to Ardú Academy of Irish Dance and their Personal Data will then be erased. *
I understand that the Applicant’s Personal Data will also be used for administrative purposes to maintain their Membership including administration, registrations, communication and feis registration. *
I understand that if I do not provide the Applicant’s Personal Data their Membership cannot be registered with Ardú Academy of Irish Dance. *
I have read the important Data Protection information and have given my consent for my information to be used to provide me with updates regarding Ardú Academy of Irish Dance activities such as class times, feis information, school events and An Chomhdhail information. *
I have read the important Data Protection information and I am aware that my child’s photograph or video image may be taken whilst attending or participating in classes or activities connected with Ardú Academy of Irish Dance and I consent to it being used by Ardú Academy of Irish Dance for items such as promotional material or on the schools website or social media channels. *
Please complete if you are joining as a new pupil and have taken Irish Dance Classes with another Teacher / Organisation
Name of Previous Teacher, if applicable
Organisation, if applicable
Clear selection
Reason for Leaving, if applicable
Answers provided will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence
Have you any previous medical history / allergies that we should be aware of?   *
Copy of any treatment plan, if applicable
Name / Contact Number of Doctor (in the case of emergencies)
Ardú Academy of Irish Dance use WhatsApp Groups to keep our members up to date with notifications regarding classes etc.
Please state names / mobile numbers you wish to have added to the relevant class WhatsApp Group. *
Where did you hear about our Academy?
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