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First Name
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Last Name
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Email Address
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Which campus are you interested in visiting?
Statesboro Campus
Armstrong Campus (Savannah)
INTERESTS (Degree Programs)
Check all that apply.
Bachelor Arts: Art History (Statesboro & Armstrong)
Bachelor Arts: Studio Art (Statesboro & Armstrong)
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Art Education** (Armstrong)
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Studio Art (Statesboro & Armstrong)
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Graphic Design* (Statesboro)
I'm interested in an art or design minor.
Extended Studio/Lab Visit
If you are interested, we can schedule your tour to allow you to sit in on a class to experience first hand, what it's like to be a student of the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art.
Yes, please!
No, thank you.
Expected High School Graduation Year
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High School Name
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