Registration Pre-IB and IB Swedish 2023
Please fill in the form as detailed as possible, even if this is not a final registration.  A diagnostic test and an interview are mandatory parts of our admissions process.

Please note: Global Svenska Plus is approved by the Swedish National Agency for Education to teach Swedish children and teenagers aged 6-20 who live outside of Sweden according to the Curriculum for Supplementary Education in Swedish Abroad (Kursplan i svenska för kompletterande undervisning för svenska elever i utlandet, 8 §§ Skolverkets föreskrifter om utbildning av utlandssvenska barn och ungdomar SKOLFS 2008:9). This means that our PreIB-course is partly state funded. The Swedish teaching within the IB Diploma is however NOT subsidized by the Swedish state, as the IB Diploma programme is not under the jurisdiction of the Swedish National Agency for Education.

GPDR:   We keep all personal data in a secure environment and do not share any information with a third part, and all our teachers are bound to professional secrecy. Upon request you can always have full access to your and your child's personal information.

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