Palelai Volunteer Sign-up Form
Thank you for your interest to be a volunteer at Palelai Buddhist Temple. 
Please enter your details to sign up for volunteer services.
We will use this information to contact you and best match your interests/skill-sets with the volunteer roles on hand. Your provided contact information will be used to reach out to you. 
For more info on volunteering at Palelai: 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Are you a new volunteer to Palelai?
If "not the first time volunteering", what were your previous roles in Palelai?
Full Name
Name you prefer to be addressed by
Gender (Reason: Male volunteers required for certain specific tasks)
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Email (will be used to arrange briefings and send over additional information)
Mobile number (will be used for briefing and coordination purposes, and adding into the Palelai volunteering group) *
Telegram account
Year of Birth
Availability for volunteer opportunities at Palelai in 2024 - 2025 (may choose more than one)
Tell us more about your availability (e.g. "Free every Saturday or Sunday after 12 pm", "free in month of December") 
Preferred volunteer roles at Palelai (may choose more than one). Below listed are higher vacancy areas:
*for detailed descriptions, please check

Tell us more about your preference (e.g. if any specific area) 
Do share with us any skills (e.g. skills like cooking, writing, designing) or industrial experience (e.g. F&B industry, medical, education industry) that you think we could tap on!
Alternatively, can share a link to your CV online
Language skills. This will help us know what kind of language-speaking environment you are comfortable with.
Share with us if you have previous volunteering experience and your reasons for volunteering at Palelai.
Where did you hear about this sign up?
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Which events do you usually attend at Palelai?
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