Shoebox Stories Community Readings: Participant Feedback Form
Thank you for participating in a Shoebox Stories reading. We would love to hear about your experience. Your answers will help us improve so that we can share this program with even more success in the future.
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Adresse e-mail *
City and State *
What Shoebox Story did you read?
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Please rate the event from 0 to 5:
Did you find reading the stories compelling? *
Not at all
Very much
Did you find the discussion after the reading compelling? *
Not at all
Very interesting
What discussion questions or topics came up for your group that were not suggested? Are there any discussion questions you suggest we add?
Do you feel that this initiative is a benefit for your community? *
Not at all
Very much
Did this event encourage empathy toward undocumented immigrants? *
Not at all
A great deal
How much would you recommend to others to participate in a Shoebox Stories reading? *
Would recommend it enthusiastically
Reading a Shoebox Stories is intended as an action of civic hospitality for people regardless of political perspective.  Did you find the reading hospitable for all? *
Yes (Welcoming for all)
Did the host encourage your group to discuss potential actions you might take that were inspired by the story? (check all that apply)
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Were you inspired to take an action? If so, what? (check all that apply)
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