Expanded Learning Opportunity Program:     Session 1 Interest Form, 2024-25
Please check all the clubs your child is INTERESTED in joining. This does not mean your child is in the club since some clubs have limited space available. This is not a permission slip.  Your child will receive a letter and a permission slip if they have a spot in the club. 

All interest is due by Friday, August 23rd, no late interest forms will be accepted. 

*Your child may show interest in more than one club. If there is high interest in a club, a lottery will take place. Everyone has an equal opportunity to participate.

*Students will have to decide between clubs if they get into more than one club offered on the same day/same time.

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Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Parent's Name (first and last) *
Parent's Email *
Parent's Phone Number  *
Second Contact Number  *
Homeroom Teacher Name *
Does your child attend ASES after school? *
Does your child walk home after school? *
Which club(s) is your child interested in joining? 

Remember - this is showing interest only. You will be notified if your child is in the club.
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