Final Word Booking Form
Dear Parents/carers,

During the next few weeks, our Year 2 children are preparing for their ‘Final Word’ presentation. This is a reflection on their Infant school years whereby they reflect on their character growth, academic success and the beautiful work that they have produced during their time at Norton Infant School. This is also a time to use their reflections to share why they are ready to take on their new challenge at Norton Junior School. This is something the children will be spending a lot of time on supported by their class teacher.

During their presentations, we would like to invite you to attend their Final Word along with their crew lead and a teacher of their choice. Please fill out the form below by Friday 16th June so that staff can align times and dates for the year 2 pupils presentations.

Thank you for supporting the children with this important part of their time in year two.
Mrs Parsons
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Child's Name? *
Class? *
Preferred Date? *
Preferred time? *
Approximately how many adult family members will be attending? Please don't bring siblings or younger children along - the children have worked really hard on their presentations - it would be a shame to be distracted. *
Any other comments of questions?
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