展覽導賞  Guided Tour 
Each guided tour takes approximately 30 minutes, for a group of 2 to 10 participants. For groups exceeding 10 participants, please contact the museum via phone or email for arrangements. 
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Email *
姓 Surname  *
名 First name  *
參觀日期和時間 Date and time of visit  *
我們於美術館開放時段內提供展覽導賞(週二至週六,公眾假期除外)。 請查看我們的網站以了解最新的開放時段。第一個導賞預約上午 11 點,最後一個下午 5 點。

Guided tours are available when the museum is open (Tuesdays to Saturdays excluding public holidays). Please check our website for the latest opening arrangements. The first guided tour reservation is for 11am, and the last reservation is for 5pm.
電話號碼 Phone number *
參觀人數 No. of visitors 
請選擇導賞語言 Please select the language of guided tour *
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