Volunteer: BSides TLH 2020
BSides Tallahassee is hosted by Capital City Cyber Defense Network, a 501(c)3 organization. https://c3d.network

To volunteer for BSides TLH 2020, we require participants to attend a minimum of three (3) planning meetings before the conference including the meeting just prior to the event.

Approved volunteers will receive a BSides TLH 2020 t-shirt and lunch at the conference.
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E-Mail-Adresse *
📋 Contact
We will only use contact information for Capital City Cyber Defense Network communications.
Name *
Email *
Phone *
📆 Availability
We vary our meeting schedule and location based on board member's and volunteer's schedules.

We typically meet every other week most of the year and once a week in the month prior to the conference.

Locations vary between conference rooms and quick-serve restaurants. We are open to suggestions.
When are you available to meet?
Monday 6:00 PM
Tuesday 6:00 PM
Wednesday 6:00 PM
Thursday 6:00 PM
Friday 6:00 PM
Video Chat
How would you like to be involved? *
🤔 Thoughts or Questions
We'd love to hear from you!
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