Audience Survey
Anonymous Wichita Life Update Audience Survey (2022)
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Do you live within a 30 min drive of Wichita? *
How old are you? *
What are you? *
How often do you experience Wichita? (experience = go out to eat, get takeout, go to a concert, go to Naftzger Park, etc) *
Have you attended a live music, sports, or other event because of the Wichita Life Update? *
What's your highest level of education? *
Do you own the home you live in? *
Are you looking to buy a home in the next year? *
Are you a member of the U.S. Armed Forces? (If so, thank you for your service.) *
What's your occupation? (If retired, type retired.) *
Are you looking to change jobs in the next year? *
What's your household income? *
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