Class reps Registration form
Campus Space is a platform for students of Ahmadu Bello University to conveniently and easily access and download course materials.

Only class reps registered on the platform can upload resources on the platform.
After filling in this form, you will receive an email after the official launch on Saturday 7th November, 2020, to validate your registration.

Thank you.
Acceder a Google para guardar el progreso. Más información
Correo electrónico *
Full Name *
Gender *
Faculty *
Department *
Level *
Username *
Preferred Password *
Phone Number *
I agree to the terms and Conditions *
By submitting the form, you acknowledge that the information you provide are correct to the best of your knowledge. You also acknowledge that you'll adhere to terms and conditions of the platform at all times and that your account may be revoked if you break any of the rules.
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