#SafeSPORTevent Sarajevo - Application form
PLACE AND DATE: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 16-19 June 2022
PARTICIPANTS:                2 sport administrators, managers and volunteers per country working in the field of safety and security in sport (no age limit)
LANGUAGE:         The official language of the project is English.

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Электронная почта *
Your name and surname (exactly as appears in your ID/passport): *
Date of birth: *
Gender: *
Nationality or permanent resident of: *
Phone number: *
Living in/travelling from (city): *
Rate your level of understanding/speaking English language: *
Are you member of any sport organization? Clarify which one? *
What are the objectives and main activities of your organization? *
Is your sport organization involved in sport events hosting? If yes, please clarify on what level - national or international? *
Your affiliation with the mentioned organization? *
Do you have previous experience in the field of safety and security in sport? In what aspects? *
Why do you want to participate in the #SafeSPORTevent mobility? What do you expect to gain professionally and personally from it? *
How do you want to use the knowledge you gain at this mobility? *
Specify any food requirements that you have (food alergies, preferencies, ect...) or any special needs (mobility, medical condition, ect...). Otherwise leave blank (use n/a) *
Emergency contact person. Please give name, phone number and e-mail of your emergency contact. Include the country code (e.g. +32 for Belgium) *
Additional information and comments:
With the present application in #SafeSPORTevent Mobility, I declare that: *
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