CTF Team Questionnaire 
Welcome to CyberHounds! We are stoked to have you join our team, but first please fill out this questionnaire so we can get to know you and your expertise. Afterwards, a discord link will be sent once the form is submitted. Please join and introduce yourself! 

CyberHounds is a competitive cybersecurity club aimed to support and increase the number of cybersecurity professionals through a competitive environment
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Netfang *
Name  *
Discord Username *
Current Grade Level *
What Path / Certification would you be taking or working towards? 
*If you are doing a custom path / none of the paths below, use the "other" option and describe what you will be doing*
Hætta við val
How comfortable are you with Linux? *
Not comfortable at all
Very comfortable
Have you used any of the programs/software/tools below? *
Which team would you like to pursue in your career? *
Mynd án myndatexta
What position are you interested in?
Do you have a TryHackMe, HackTheBox, or GitHub account? *
If you answered yes to any platform, please write down your username(s).
Have you done any CTF's before? *
If you answered yes above, what CTF's have you done?
Check any areas you have experience in *
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