AKA Volunteer form
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Email *
What is your preferred first and last name? *
What is your mailing address? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your email? *
What is your current occupation?
Please provide links to your social media sites and/or website. *
Describe your connection to adoption, if you have one. *
Which of the following areas do you have  knowledge/experience? *
Do you have any other skills or areas of expertice not previously mentioned?
In which area(s) would you like to volunteer your time with AKA? *
Approximately how much time are you willing to give each month? *
Please list any memberships in civic/professional organizations or special certifications that pertain to this volunteer appliation.
Please supply two references. At least one should be from someone you have worked with or participated with in a group setting. List your first reference here. Be sure to include their first & last name, their phone number, and their email address.
Please supply two references. At least one should be from someone you have worked with or participated with in a group setting. List your second reference here. Be sure to include their first & last name, their phone number, and their email address.
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