渥太華佛光合唱團 招生受理報名囉!  Ottawa Buddha Light Choir Registration
以歌聲弘揚傳唱淨化社會,唱出真善美。以清淨和諧樂章,虔誠祈願歌聲,將人間音緣慈悲智慧和諧的詞曲,流入心中,化為另一種醒悟的共鳴。渥太華佛光合唱團2022年春季招生,  每周三晚上7:30pm 至9pm,採Zoom雲端上課及團練, 歡迎您的加入!
報名Google form 鏈接:https://forms.gle/QnuLVREsEFU17vAX7

Join Ottawa Buddha Light Choir! Our songs will be about bringing loving-kindness, peace, and harmony to the community. Through the music of Sounds of the Human World, we will use songs to purify, educate, and transform the mind to bring our emotions in line with Dharma. Our choir will meet from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM every Wednesday in a virtual Zoom classroom. Please fill out the form if you are interested in joining us!
Registration Google form: https://forms.gle/QnuLVREsEFU17vAX7

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中文姓名 Full Name (Chinese)
英文姓名  Full Name (English)
性別 Gender *
聯絡電話  Phone Number *
微信帳號 we chat account
出生年份 Year of the Birth (ex. 1962) *
媒體使用政策: (1) 渥太華佛光山得以錄製、使用及分享活動之影音。換言之於課程進行中會錄製影像可截作為後續課程之推廣所用。(2) 老師的教學錄影不能外傳。FO GUANG SHAN TEMPLE OF OTTAWA MEDIA POLICY: (1) The photographs, images, video, and audio recordings taken throughout the course will only be used for our administrative records, on our website or other media platforms for news releases or program promotions. (2) The instructional material is copyrighted and will not be shared by individuals. *
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