2025 Summer School Health Info
Please be aware that there is no school nurse on duty at summer school. Please complete the following health questions to assist staff who may not be familiar with your child's health needs.
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Email *
Student's Name: *
Student's Current Grade (2023-2024) *
Which school will your child be attending for summer school? *
My child has health concerns that may need to be addressed at summer school. *
Allergies - Please check the box if "yes."
Column 1
Does your child have allergies?
Do your child's allergies require an EpiPen?
Asthma - Please check the box if "yes."
Column 1
Does your child experience symptoms of asthma?
Will your child be using an inhaler at summer school?
Other Health Concerns (diabetes, seizures, etc) - Please describe:
Will your child require any prescription medications at summer school?  EpiPens, inhalers and any other medications will need a med consent on file with the school. The consents for the 23-24 school year will cover summer school 2024.  If yes, please describe (medication, time to be given):
Parent/Guardian Name
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