AYC Volunteer Application

The Alpine Youth Center is a gospel centered nonprofit dedicated to creating a safe environment for tweens and teens to hang out. Our goal is to spread the gospel to the youth of Alpine by showing these students the love and care that Jesus so graciously shows us. Once you have submitted your application, we will contact you.

For more information please visit our website: www.alpineyouthcenter.com

Volunteers will be considered based on the following:

  • They are holding firmly to a Christian worldview.
  • They are active in a gospel centered church where the biblical truth is taught and applied.
  • Their presentation is mature and maturing in the basics of the Christian faith, and they live a life consistent with biblical principles.
  • Volunteers are expected to maintain a socially responsible, morally upright, free of recurring interpersonal conflicts or anything that might compromise healthy role modeling for the youth we serve.
  • Volunteers intentionally maintain an attitude of humility and are open to corrective feedback when working at the Alpine Youth Center.
  • Volunteers will be asked to participate in an interview with lead volunteers and Behold Officers/Directors please plan on attending a quarterly board meeting to ask and answer questions.
  • Inquiring volunteers will spend at least 14 to 21 days in partnership with approved volunteers, cooperating, helping, and learning the day-to-day operations. During the interim, before being fully approved as a volunteer, we ask those inquiring volunteers not to take a lead role with youth. Instead, please join with approved volunteers when engaging in teaching, counseling, tutoring, or any advisory role before full approval is completed.
  • A criminal background check will be performed with "Protect My Ministry" before being approved as a volunteer.
  • All adult volunteers participating at Alpine Youth Center must adhere to the recently instituted law AB 506, which "... requires all employees and regular volunteers who are 18 years of age or older and who have direct contact with, or supervision of, children for more than 16 hours a month or 32 hours per year to complete a Live Scan background check and take California's online mandated reporter training."
  • Volunteers agree to sign a liability waiver.
  • Volunteers are encouraged to ask those in leadership (board members and lead volunteers) clarifying questions and maintain healthy boundaries with youth and other volunteers that reflect a balanced Christian lifestyle.
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