Application to Graduate Form - GIMPA
Important Notices
1. Abbreviations, initials, and/or brackets are not acceptable.
2. Students who apply for Graduation will not be accepted and processed if fees are not paid in full.
3. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure all requirements are met and his/her personal details are accurate in the ITS - (name spelling, name arrangement, full name). If the student does not fulfill the Graduation requirements, he/she will have to re-apply for the next scheduled Graduation. A student will NOT automatically be graduated at the next scheduled Graduation.
4. The student’s name on the WAEC certificate will appear in the Graduation documents and the Degree Certificate. The University does not take responsibility for students who have graduated and report any errors in their records. All errors are to be identified and reported in writing to the Academic Affairs Directorate prior to Graduation.
5. Kindly COMPLETE AND SUBMIT this form, on or  before Monday December 14, 2020.

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Student ID Number: *
First Name (Given Name)  Middle Name           Surname *
Phone Number (Include Country Code for International Students) *
Email ID: *
Year of Enrollment *
Programme of Study *
School/Faculty: *
Coursework Completed: *
Fees Fully Paid: *
Retakes completed: *
Project Work Completed: *
I am applying for the Degree of: *
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