Writing Together Online: February Edition
Write Together Online with the WCC to start your spring semester strong and plan your writing projects in advance. Our 90-minute sessions create a community of writers who connect, set realistic goals, and write together to motivate each other. This program is open to graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, researchers, or all, who are actively writing their proposals, manuscripts, or thesis/dissertation chapters.

Feel free to register for any number of sessions, from one to all:
Mondays, 9-10:30am (EST)
Tuesdays, 7:30-9am (EST)
Tuesdays, 3-4:30pm (EST)
Wednesdays, 9-10:30 am (EST)
Thursdays, 7:30-9am (EST)
Fridays, 9-10:30 am (EST)

To participate in this program:
1. Pre-register below and we will send you the link to connect.
2. Set up your laptop, books, articles, water, and snacks before your session.
3. Think of the writing goals and tasks for your session.
3. Connect through the link 5 minutes before the event. Please note that we start on time (not by MIT time).

What to expect during this event:
1. We will start with a short announcement about this program;
2. We will ask all participants to fill out a writing goal for the session and a few specific tasks;
3. We will then send everyone to breakout rooms to write;
4. About 5 minutes before the end of the program, we will ask everyone to share what they were able to accomplish and provide feedback about the program.

PLEASE NOTE: Those who attend at least 5 sessions will be automatically entered into the raffle of gift-card prizes taking place on Monday, February 28th, at 10am. The more you participate, the more times you will be entered into the raffle of prizes.

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Please read the Writing Together Online rules below and check that you agree with them. *
You are expected to join 5 minutes earlier and stay for the entire session for which you have registered. We will start the program at 00 (NOT the MIT time). Remember that this event is designed for those who want to make progress on their research and writing.
Please choose the sessions that you are interested in attending. You can choose from one to all sessions as long as you commit to attend them. All times are in Eastern Time. *
First Name *
Last Name *
MIT Email *
Role at MIT *
Year of Study (if applicable) *
What MIT school are you affiliated with? *
What is your MIT major/ department/ affiliation? *
Why are you interested in this program? *
 What are you planning to work on during the sessions that you register? Choose all that apply. *
How would you evaluate the level of your competence with the following? *
1 (I have strong difficulty)
5 (I do this with ease)
Setting writing goals
Establishing writing habits
Estimating my writing pace
Making progress on writing projects
Writing with ease and confidence
Do you experience isolation as a researcher and writer? *
Not at all
Yes, definitely
Do you have any recommendations, questions, or comments regarding this program?
Thank you for your interest in this program! You will hear from us about 2-3 days before the first session!
The funding support for this program comes from MIT Office of Graduate Education.
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