Wordsmith Publicity is so excited to invite you to participate in the release events for COURT OF EVIL by K.A Knight, coming April 25th!  


Touch her and die

Touch him and die 

Grumpy x sunshine 

Human x monster 

Hunter x monster 


Enemies to lovers 

Found family 

Cover Reveal: CLOSED
Preorder Blast: March 14
Teasers: March 25, April 1, 8, 15
Release Countdowns: April 21-24
Release Blast: April 25th
Review Tour Begins: April 25th

ARC reviewers: reviews are due within the first week of release! 


There are many things that go bump in the night, and I am one of them.

Hunters are what prevent our world from descending into chaos and bloodshed. We are the shields in the dark and the weapons of protection, walking the line of good and evil every day… or so I thought.

I was born and raised to hunt, honed into an elite soldier dedicated to our cause, until those around me commit the worst act imaginable and betray me. Left for dead, I have no choice but to turn away from humans and embrace the very monsters I pursue for help.

Everything I thought I knew about our organization quickly crumbles around me, and I lose my faith in humanity. Vengeance steals my morals, and before this is through, I will have more blood on my hands than the traitors I hunt.

I don’t care, though, not anymore—all I want is revenge. 

The Fates have a strange plan for me, however, and when all is said and done, can I ever go back to who I was before, or will I become a monster just like those surrounding me?

Welcome to the Court of Evil, where not everything is black and white.

* If you cannot review or post in a timely manner, please notify Wordsmith Publicity at: as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in disqualification for future review opportunities.

* You will be sent a form after release to enter your review link. Failure to review after receiving an ARC will automatically disqualify you from receiving future arcs unless you have discussed with Autumn. Again, we understand life so no big deal. We just want to know in advance.

We appreciate your interest  and hope you enjoy it.

As always, we look forward to working with you!

XO, Autumn

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Cover & Blurb Reveal
All posting materials will be emailed to you on March 18th.
Teaser Reveals
All materials will be emailed a day prior to posting date along with social media wording.
Teaser Reveal Dates: March 25, April 1, 8, 15
Would you like to join the Teaser Reveals? 
Release Countdowns
All materials will be emailed a day prior to posting date along with social media wording.

Would you like to share the Release Countdowns: April 21-24? *
Release Blast/ Review Tour 
All posting materials will be emailed to you on April 24th.
Would you like to participate in the Release Blast on April 25th?

Would you like to participate in the review tour for COURT OF EVIL? 
Reviews will be due on the date you choose. 
Your ARC will be sent via BookFunnel. If you use a different email than you provided above for BookFunnel, please list it here.
*Answering does NOT guarantee you'll get a box. These will be limited.
If you are interested in possibly receiving a PR Box for this release please provide your mailing address. 
*Answering does NOT guarantee you'll get a box. These will be limited. 
**Addresses will NOT be shared with anyone outside of Wordsmith PR
We will reach out to you if you are chosen.
Would you be interested doing an IG LIVE with K.A KNIGHT? 
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Wordsmith Publicity and the author have the final say on ARCs. ARC selection could be based upon past posting history. By accepting this ARC, you understand and acknowledge that it is copyrighted material protected by federal copyright laws. If it is discovered that you have violated this agreement, the author reserves all legal rights available to it, including pursuing a lawsuit for breach of contract which may claim damages including, but not limited to, lost profits caused by the violative distribution. By accepting this ARC, you agree to keep your review spoiler free. Should the author or a representative of their behalf determine that your review contains spoilers and contacts you to remove the offending language, you agree that you will do so as soon as is reasonably possible.
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If you cannot review or post by the due date, please notify Wordsmith Publicity at: as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in disqualification for future ARCS. We understand life happens and are willing to extend your dates with no problem. We just request notification.  
You will be sent a form after release to enter your review link. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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