UCP Osceola Charter School - Interest Form - School Year (2024-2025)
Thank you for your interest in UCP Osceola Charter School!   UCP Charter Schools is a network of FREE tuition public charter schools in Central Florida that employs an inclusive educational model.  We also accept School Readiness/VPK.  UCP Osceola is an Early Childhood - 5th grade school located at 1820 Armstrong Blvd in Kissimmee near Plaza Del Sol.   

We are currently enrolling for school year 2024-2025 in limited grades. After the completion of the inquiry below, a UCP team member will be in contact with you or you can schedule a tour!  We look forward to meeting you and learning more about your student!

UCP Osceola Tours are held Wednesdays at 9:30am and Thursdays at 9am.   You can sign up for a tour here:  https://www.ucpcharter.org/osceola or contact the Enrollment Specialist - Angeles Simo Angeles.Simo@ucpcfl.org

UCP Osceola also has an out-patient speech, occupational and physical therapy program serving children birth to age 18 years on site.

To learn more, please complete one form per each student.

For more information about other UCP campuses, please see https://www.ucpcharter.org/admissions 

For more information about the enrollment process -  https://event.webinarjam.com/register/2/8qoq1cy or UCP Charter Schools:   https://youtu.be/7kkObAMfqvA

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Email *
Student Name *
Parent Name  *
Telephone Number *
Your child's date of birth? *
What school year are you interested in? *
What grade is your student in this school year (2024-2025)? *
What is your county/district of residence? *
Where does your student currently attend school? *
Does your child have an Individual Education Plan (IEP)? Please note this is an educational document through the public school system, not a medical evaluation or diagnosis. *
Would your child successfully function in a classroom of 16-18 children with 2-3 staff members? (this is our class size and level of support for most of our classes)

We do have some limited smaller size classrooms that are more intensive with support as well our new Behavior Private School (Unlocking Positive Behavior). More information can be provided if needed.
Are you interested in medical therapy services for your child (Occupational, Physical or Speech Therapy)? If yes, the Therapy Program Manager will follow-up accordingly. *
How did you hear about UCP Charter Schools (check all that apply)? *
Any comments/questions/details about your child we should know?
Will you require a tour in Spanish? Necesitas el recorrido de la escuela en Español?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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