Referee Course Expression of Interest
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Q. How long does the course take?
A. There are two 5 hour theory sessions and on court sessions.

Q. Do I have to attend all theory sessions?
A. Yes, all sessions are compulsory to pass the course.

Q. How long until I can get my C Grade?
A. All depends on how well you go on court, and apply all of the information in the course to a suitable standard.

Q. Is there a minimum age?
A. Referees must be 14 years old to do the course.

Q. What type of working with children's check do I need?
A. A volunteer check is all you need and is free to apply for.

Q. I just want to do the course and referee at another association, is this ok?
A. Yes as long as you make this aware to the Referee Advisor when you register your interest.
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