200hr Hatha-Vinyasa Hybrid Teacher Training & Personal Development Program Application
Welcome. Thank you so much for your interest in our 200hr YTT! We're thrilled that you are interested in taking these next steps in your practice and life, and are honoured to be guides along your journey. 
Please fill out the following so we can get to know you more, connect, and better guide you along what to expect and next steps to take. 
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E-Mail-Adresse *
First and last name:
Phone number:
Where are you situated?
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How long have you been practicing yoga?
What does your practice look like? 
i.e gentle/vigorous, at home/studio, hot/unheated, etc.
Why do you feel called to pursue this course?
Which aspect of the training draws you the most at this time?
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What is the best way to reach you?
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Please provide 3 dates/times when we can reach you:
Is there anything else you wish to share?
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