Apply for One Patient- One e-PV Card
Dear Applicant,
Global Pharmacovigilance Society is going to issue an e-Pharmacovigilance Card based on the information you provide. Your information will be kept confidential. The information received will be considered as best to your knowledge.  Further,  it will be processed to generate an e-PV Card and sent to your registered email ID.
The aim is to protect the patient from the re-administration of the suspected drug that can cause any side effect/adverse event/ Adverse Drug Reactions. This card will act as a  safeguard measure and provide information about you to your physician. Hence, the physician won't prescribe you the suspected drug again. Subsequently, you will get protected from unwanted serious adverse events/ADRs.
Adresse e-mail *
Full Name *
Have you ever suffered from Side effects/Adverse events/ADRs due to a drug? *
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