Grassroots Action for the Environment - Participant Registration - 2023
Friends, we're asking for a lot of information from you below.  Please know that you don't have participate in all of these activities.  We don't want to overwhelm you.  You are welcome to click every box, but you don't have to.  
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
Name *
Email *
Phone *
Mailing Address
City *
Zip Code *
Who is your State Senator? *
Click here to find your State Senator - (
Who is your State Representative? *
I'd like to participate in  Lands, Water and Wildlife Lobby Day (Done, Great job everyone!)
Thursday, February 9th, 8am - 3:30pm, New Mexico State Legislature (no fee)
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I'd like to participate in Climate Justice Day
Thursday, February 23rd, 8am - 3:30pm, New Mexico State Legislature (no fee)
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In order to participate, I need a travel and/or hotel scholarship.
Availability is first come, first serve.
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I would like to carpool and have a car I can drive.
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I would like to carpool but need a ride.
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List any language needs such as Spanish or ASL interpretation you have.
List any special needs such as wheelchair access.
What organizations are you affiliated with?
None required
Please fill out our grassroots lobbyist survey here to learn a little more about you.
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I am willing to volunteer.
Click here for more information - Here. We'll assign you volunteer opportunities for the events you sign up for.
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Tento formulář byl vytvořen v doméně Sierra Club. Nahlásit zneužití