Baby Massage Booking Form
Dear families
As you know, there will be some changes this year to all Croydon Children's Centres. The new approach will involve some of the existing children's centres becoming Hubs and others will become Spoke Centres. All centres are remaining open with no closures, which is fantastic news for all Croydon families. It is great news that, following the public consultation, Purley Oaks Children's Centre has been identified as a Spoke Centre - which means that activities will still be delivered from the centre - YAY!! But things may look a little different.
We completely understand that change can leave many people feeling uncertain and anxious - but welcoming change in life is just like starting a new chapter with different characters. With this is mind, please be assured that services will remain to be delivered from Purley Oaks, but we urge you to also visit our sister centres:
Woodlands (Hub Centre for the South Locality) - 020 8916 0543
Byron (Spoke Centre) - 0208 763 6285
New Addington (Spoke Centre) - 01689 664 570
All staff at the above centres are really looking forward to meeting you all.
Jackie, Liz, Toni, Vimla and Lucy will still be very much involved with and connected to Purley Oaks Primary School and the local community, so this is definitely not goodbye, it is "See you soon".
May we take this opportunity to wish every family all the very best - we have loved working, laughing and supporting you all. As always, thank you all for making Purley Oaks Children's Centre a fantastic place to work.
With very best wishes
Jackie, Liz, Toni, Vimla and Lucy xx
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