Alumni Quiz Challenge: from London to India
Dive into the historical connections between the University of Westminster and India. ✨

From the early days of the Royal Polytechnic Institution to modern collaborations, test your knowledge and discover intriguing facts about the people, events, and milestones that have shaped this unique relationship. 🤝

High scorers will be entered into a draw to win three alumni merchandise gift packs 🎁

Good luck and enjoy the quiz! 💜
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The first recorded connection between the University of Westminster and India traces back to when two Indian students, Jehanger Nowrojee and Hirjeebhoy Merwanjeevisited the then Royal Polytechnic Institution in 1841. What were they studying?  *
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The Polytechnic Young Men’s Christian Institute offered a variety of language courses in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among these was Hindustani, which was taught for a specific period. When was Hindustani taught at the Institute?  *
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In April 1906, JEK Studd initiated a new column in the Polytechnic Magazine to connect with members abroad, including India. This column published letters and a list of names and addresses of members in various countries. What was the name of this column? 

The Polytechnic Magazine cover shown below has been kindly provided by the University of Westminster Archive ©.
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During the late 1970s, the Polytechnic of Central London (PCL) had a student-run society aimed at promoting Indian culture. This society organised various cultural events, including musical evenings and lectures. What was the name of this society?  *
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In July 1977, the School of Communication, Cultural and Community Studies at PCL organised a significant event featuring Indian performing arts. This event included dancing, music, and lectures. What was the title of this event? 

The original event programme shown below has been kindly provided by the University of Westminster Archive ©.
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The University of Westminster established a scholarship programme in 1995 aimed at young Indian print journalists. This programme was part of a larger initiative funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. What was the name of this scholarship programme?  *
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The University of Westminster has a dedicated alumni association for its Indian graduates. When was the University of Westminster Indian Alumni Association formally launched?  *
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Westminster Working Cultures (WWC) is a university initiative that connects students with alumni and partners worldwide, offering insights and advice from various industries to enhance the students' understanding of the modern workplace. Their first trip to India took place in 2017. What was the destination? *
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