She Loves Data | Writing a Winning Resume | Pre-event Survey
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Background and Experience
Total years of experience.
Can you briefly share your professional background and work experience?
Have you previously created a resume? If so, what challenges did you face?
Career Goals
What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
Are you looking to switch industries or advance within your current field?
Target Roles
What specific roles or positions are you targeting with your resume?
Are there any specific companies or sectors you’re interested in?
Skills and Strengths
What are your key skills and strengths? (e.g., technical, soft skills, certifications)
How do you want to highlight these skills in your resume?
Achievements and Impact
Can you share any notable achievements or projects you’ve worked on?
How have you made a positive impact in your previous roles?
Do you understand ATS?
Do you know what is your ATS score?
Challenges and Concerns
What challenges do you anticipate while creating your resume?
Are there any specific areas (e.g., gaps in employment, career transitions) you’d like to address?
Expectations from the Trainer
What do you hope to gain from this session?
How can the trainer best support you in achieving your resume goals?
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