Getting to know you! September 2024
As part of getting to know the children, here are some questions that it would be really helpful to know the answers to for when we begin working with your child.
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Child's name *
Communication and language
Does your child listen to you and show interest in what you are saying? Explain. *
Does your child answer simple questions correctly and follow instructions? Explain. *
Does your child talk about what they are doing or have done? Explain. (please include details of speech and language therapy here, if applicable) *
Does your child pronounce most sounds/words correctly or have you noticed that they cannot do this? Explain. *
Has your child needed an eye test since birth?  If so, why was this? *
Has your child needed a hearing test since birth? If so, why was this? *
Physical development
Does your child enjoy physical activities? What kind? *
Does your child have any difficulties with physical activities? If so, please explain. *
Does your child like drawing and cutting things out with scissors? Do they have any difficulties with this?   *
Can your child dress and undress themselves? Explain. *
What does your child like to eat and drink? Do they have any difficulties in this area? *
Personal, social and emotional development
Does your child show an interest  in making friends, and get on with other children? *
How does your child get on with other people? Explain. *
Is your child independent?  i.e. do they get on with things by themselves, without having to have an adult or someone else with them all the time?
Does your child enjoy books and stories? Do they have any favourites? *
Does your child recognise any letters or words? If so, which ones and how do they use them? *
Does your child like to draw and are they trying to write? *
Is your child left handed or right handed? *
Does your child recognise any numbers? If so, how many, which ones? *
Is your child able to count? If so, how far can they count? *
Does your child enjoy games and puzzles? Explain. *
Understanding the World
Does your child like to explore and find things out? How do they do this? Do they ask lots of questions? Explain. *
Does your child show an interest in past and present events, e.g. parties, weddings you have attended together? Explain. *
Expressive arts and design
Does your child like to sing, dance and listen to music? Explain. *
Does your child enjoy painting and making models? Explain. *
Does your child like to dress up and take part in role-play or other pretend play? Explain. *
Tell us what makes your child feel really happy, sad or cross! *
If there is anything you would like to discuss with us about your child's development, please ensure you have indicated it on the Starting Reception form. If there is, we will either talk before the end of term or we will have time to discuss this at your home visit at the beginning of the new term in September.  
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