KpopFicsNetwork survey
We are reviving the network and would love feedback from our current members on what you would like to see happen.
Conectează-te la Google ca să îți salvezi progresul. Află mai multe
What is your name? *
What is your url? *
What is your birthday? *
How long have you been a member of KpopFicsNetwork? *
What are some thing you like about the KpopFicsNetwork? *
What are some things we can improve on? *
What events would you like to see KpopFicsNetwork do in the future? *
We are looking for queue  moderators and and graphic managers to help out with the network. Would you be interested in any of these positions? *
Golește formularul
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Acest conținut nu este nici creat, nici aprobat de Google. Raportează un abuz - Condiții de utilizare - Politica de confidențialitate