Topic 5 Test 3 Communications & Network
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What fundamental Internet protocol was primarily developed from ARPANET? *
1 point
Which concept is essential for ensuring the Internet remains a fair and equal platform for all forms of data?
1 point
In the context of Internet architecture, what does the term 'backbone' refer to?
1 point
IPv6 was developed in response to the limitation of IPv4, primarily addressing what critical issue?
1 point
Which protocol ensures secure data transmission by encrypting data sent over the Internet?
1 point
What is the role of DNS in Internet technology?
1 point
Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is:
1 point
Which technology allows the creation of highly immersive web experiences, often used in games and virtual reality?
1 point
Cloud computing is a significant advancement in managing data and applications; which of the following is a primary advantage it offers?
1 point
Which of the following best describes 'machine learning as a service' (MLaaS) in the context of Internet services?
1 point
What does the concept of 'zero trust architecture' refer to in cybersecurity?
1 point
Encryption is critical for secure communication on the Internet. Which algorithm is known for its use in public key cryptography?
1 point
Which technology aims to provide a decentralized and secure framework beyond traditional security measures?
1 point
What is the primary purpose of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols?
1 point
Which of the following is a significant concern related to Internet of Things (IoT) devices?
1 point
What role does the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) play in Internet technology?
1 point
The concept of 'digital divide' refers to what Internet-related issue?
1 point
'Internet censorship' can be described as:
1 point
Which international body is primarily responsible for the global coordination of the DNS system and IP addressing?
1 point
What is the impact of 'net neutrality' on the Internet?
1 point
The integration of what technology is seen as pivotal in the next stage of Internet evolution, particularly in smart cities?
1 point
AI's role in Internet development is increasingly significant. Which of the following is a direct impact of AI on Internet technology?
1 point
What does the increasing trend towards 'serverless computing' on the Internet indicate about future developments?
1 point
5G technology is set to revolutionize Internet use with its high speed and capacity. What is a critical benefit of 5G over 4G?
1 point
'Smart contracts' facilitated by which technology are set to overhaul how agreements are executed digitally?
1 point
Augmented reality (AR) on the web uses which technology to enhance real-world environments with digital overlays?
1 point
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) like Skype is an example of what type of Internet application?
1 point
Which application demonstrates the use of Artificial Intelligence in personalizing Internet content?
1 point
What is the significance of 'quantum networking' in future Internet technologies?
1 point
What challenge does the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) pose to current Internet infrastructure?
1 point
Under what circumstances might Internet users face ethical dilemmas related to 'big data'?
1 point
The 'right to be forgotten' is a legal concept from the GDPR which allows individuals to:
1 point
What potential ethical issue is most associated with the use of facial recognition technology on the Internet?
1 point
How does the Internet facilitate 'crowdsourcing'?
1 point
In what way does 'cryptojacking' pose a threat to Internet users?
1 point
Which development is likely to play a critical role in the future of Internet security?
1 point
The transition to IPv6 from IPv4 is essential due to:
1 point
Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are an essential aspect of which technology?
1 point
What is a primary concern with the Internet's impact on productivity?
1 point
'Digital nomadism' is a trend facilitated by the Internet, which allows individuals to:
1 point
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