FITX Questionnaire
FITX Blueprint
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E-mailadres *
Do you prefer to work in person, online or both? *
what is your desired outcome? *
describe your dream outcome regarding your health and fitness *
honestly, why haven't you achieved your goal thus far? *
On a scale of 1-10 how serious are you to changing your life forever? *
What is your primary goal *
other fitness goals (if not selected above) *
do you exercise regularly? *
Have you worked with a personal trainer before? If yes, what did you like and dislike about that training. *
rate your experience with exercise 1 = none at all 5 = attended some classes and have a gym membership 10 = completed marathons, have medals in sport activities, etc. *
what equipment do you have access to? check all that apply *
on which days are you available to workout? *
what times are you willing to workout?
do you have any existing injuries or conditions that I should be aware of while building your training plan? Please be very specific *
what is it that you are hoping to accomplish? *
and why is that important to you? *
what have you tried in the past that didn't work? *
please tell me EXACTLY what you are struggling with? *
if you could snap your fingers and be at your very best tomorrow, what would it look like? *
do you want help making that dream a reality? *
what do you feel will be the most powerful, most impactful thing I can do for you during our coaching? *
what do you think will happen if we DON'T work together? *
what do you think would constitute poor coaching on my part? *
what do you think I should do if you fall behind in the pursuit of your goals, or break our agreements? *
how will you know if the financial investment for coaching has been a good value? *
please rate your commitment from 1-10. 1 = not interested at all, 5 = intrigued and want to learn more, 10 = I AM ALL IN! *
quote your favorite line from a movie. I want to make sure that (1) you are paying attention, and (2) you are a real person *
before we talk is there any other person that should be included in our discovery call? *
if YES, please have them included with our call, and provide their email in the box below; if NO, then proceed and pass GO! *
one last question, DO you agree to the following statement: BURPEES ARE LIFE!
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