Exploring the solent - Oceans of Hope Challenge
Application form for solent sailing challenge on 2-5 October and 16th - 19th October - Oceans of Hope UK. This challenge is on a sunsail yacht, therefore you will need to be able to climb a few steps (with support and rails) to access the boat and boat interior. You can bring a mobility aid to use ashore but it's not possible to use a wheelchair onboard the boat.
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How did you hear about this event/Oceans of Hope UK?
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phone number
email address
date of birth
Height and Weight
Which dates do you wish to apply for?
Emergency Contact name and phone number
what assistance will you need on the boat (e.g moving round the boat, accessing toilet, negotiating steps...)?
Do you need to bring a carer with you?
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Do you need to bring a mobility scooter or wheelchair for use onshore?
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Do you have any allergies?
What is your previous sailing experience?
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what are your dietary requirements?
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What is your Unisex T-shirt Size?
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Do you take any medication?
I agree for my image to appear in photos or videos on social media: Please remind us on arrival if you select no
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Do you have any other medical conditions? If so, Are they under control?
I have MS or am accompanying someone with MS and wish to join the Oceans of Hope Challenge: Exploring the solent.  Please be advised that by joining one of our voyages you consent to the following: Collecting and retaining your personal data by Oceans of Hope UK charity and its officers for the purposes of joining an organised voyage. The relevant persons and cloud systems will hold this data for the express purposes of communication and health and safety. The data is held in hard data or digital format. You have rights of rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability and objection. Should you wish to exercise these rights please request to contact the data protection officer. By ticking yes on this form, I declare that any medical conditions are declared and under control. .I recognize that sailing is an activity that has an inherent risk of damage and injury and I am participating entirely at my own risk. By participating, I forever release, discharge and waive any and all actions, suits and claims whatsoever against Sailing Sclerosis, Oceans Of Hope UK, the boat owners or The Event Organizer for any liability, loss, damage and injury (including bodily injury, personal injury and death) to any person, property or boat (i) sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after each sail; or (ii) arising, relating or resulting from use of the facilities or participation in a sail or associated activities, to the fullest extent permitted by UK law. I further release Sailing Sclerosis, Oceans of Hope UK, the boat owners and The Event Organiser from any claim whatsoever on account of any of their staff/crew/or any other participant giving assistance, aid, care, advice, rescue, first aid, treatment or services.
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any other information we need or requests you have
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