New Mexico Counties Need Poll Workers!
**This form was created by the New Mexico Secretary of State's Office and we are only collecting the following information in order to pass it along to County Clerks who will follow up with you about becoming a poll worker for the 2020 General Election on November 3, 2020**

Help your community, make a few extra dollars, and contribute to our democracy by becoming a poll worker for the 2020 General Election. Counties across the state are looking for poll workers as the COVID crisis is keeping many folks at home who might otherwise have worked the polls this year. If you're interested, fill out the form the below and someone from your County Clerk's office will contact you about next steps.

In order to be a poll worker you must:

1) Be registered to vote in your county (Not registered? It only takes a few minutes at NMVOTE.ORG)
2) Attend a training
3) Take an oath of office
4) Not be a candidate, law enforcement officer, or close relative of a candidate on the ballot in the 2020 General Election (spouse, parent, child, sibling, or in-law)
5) Have basic computer skills, a mobile phone, and an email address

Thank you for your interest in helping run safe, secure, and efficient elections in New Mexico!
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First and Last Name *
Email *
County where you're registered to vote *
Phone number *
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