Mentee Sign Up Form
Welcome to EmpowerDebate! Our mission is to help close the resource gap in Debate by providing debaters and future debaters with free, online coaching and resources, because everyone deserves the opportunity to be empowered and succeed! 

Thank you for being interested in being mentees/students as part of our free Mentorship Program! Here are some of the things that are included in our mentorship program:
  • Access to lectures and free resources, such as guides for student coaches and how to start a debate team at your school
  • Coaching once per week (or more) via Zoom from experienced debaters
  • Quality practice rounds and feedback
We hope to see you in the future! Be empowered!
**Note: Please specify if a team is going to be a partnership or an entire school debate team, so we know what type of instructor to give you guys**
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
School Name *
Team Name (if different from school)
What Type of Debate Would You Like to Receive Free Coaching in? *
What days a week would you like your team to be coached via Zoom? *
Are you requesting coaching for a team or an individual? (if you choose team, please specify if it is for a partnership or a whole team aka multiple partnerships)? *
How many people would participate in this program? *
What circuit(s) do you/your team compete for? *
What are your/your teams goals in debate? *
What kinds of things are you/your team looking for in a mentor?
Questions/Comments/Additional Information?
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