Coffeeville Co. Pop-up Shop Application

Showcase your Arts, Crafts, Antiques and Services!

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First Name
Last Name
Phone number *
Email Address *
Business/Home Address *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
ZIP Code
Business Website or Social Media Links
Business Website or Social Media Links
Preferable Participation Date
Credit Card Number
Card Expiration

2 Digit Month and 2 Digit Year (NO DASHES)

3 Digit CVC (For AMEX 4 digit from the front of the card)
Wisconsin Tax Account Number - Wisconsin Temporary Event Operator and Seller Information required under sec 73.03 (38), Wis. Stats.
Social Security Number (Last 4 Digits ONLY) - Wisconsin Temporary Event Operator and Seller Information required under sec 73.03 (38), Wis. Stats.
Federal Identification Number (FEIN) Last 4 digits ONLY - Wisconsin Temporary Event Operator and Seller Information required under sec 73.03 (38), Wis. Stats.
Check ONE box indicating the type of activity you intended to engage in at the event *
Vendor Agreement
I understand that Coffeeville Company will not be held responsible for any theft, loss or damage of any of my property and hold harmless Coffeeville Company from any claim or cause of action from acts of nature, patrons or exhibitors.

There is no fee to be a vendor at Coffeeville Company's Pop-up Events. At time of the application, we collect your credit card information in the event that you are unable to attend the Pop-up Event as a no show or early take down. A $50 charge will be assessed to your credit card. Coffeeville Company strives for accurate advertising to our customers, therefore your attendance is important. We also understand unfortunate changes to your schedule, therefore a minimum of 1 month cancellation notice required. Any cancellation less than 1 month will not be accepted.

Vendor Set-up:  7:45 am ā€“ 8:45 am.  Take down:  2:00 pm ā€“ 3:00 pm. 

Each vendor is responsible for setting up their own display area.  Vendor can bring in a 6-foot table, or card table to display their items. Vendorā€™s are not to share space. The work of only one vendor may be displayed in each assigned space.  There is a maximum of 5 vendors per event.

There is no fee for the booth space.

At the time of application Coffeeville Company will charge your credit card $50 as security deposit to HOLD your spot. The charge will be fully refunded to you the next day after POP-UP EVENT you attended to. In the event of no show or early take down, the deposit WILL NOT be refunded to you. (Coffeeville Company strives for accurate advertising to our customers therefore your attendance is important) We also understand unfortunate changes to your schedule therefore minimum of 1 month cancellation notice is required. Anything less than 1 month will not be accepted.

Wi-fi is available for making credit card purchases.  


Coffeeville Company will advertise the Pop-Up Shop Events on Coffeevilleā€™s social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms), website, flyers, and TV monitors throughout the facility. We encourage all vendors to promote their participation across a variety of social media pages, websites, and print media to maximize visibility.

Coffeeville Pop-Up Shop Events are primarily held at Coffeeville Company in Jackson, WI, but we also offer the possibility of hosting pop-up events at our Brookfield cafƩ.

šŸ“ Jackson Location: N168 W20101 Main Street, Jackson, WI 53037 (Easily accessible on Hwy 60, 1 mile east of Hwy 45).

šŸ“ Brookfield Location: 2825 N Brookfield Rd, Brookfield, WI 53045.

For more information about Coffeeville Pop-Up Shop Events, please call 262-677-2334 ā€“ option 4.

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